Rabu, 19 September 2012

The part of Djamalus Family :)

These photos had been taken after ied mubarak's day, dan baru jadinya sekarang ! too bad, but not vo the pictures :D i love them ! very much! 
thanks to Raja Foto Studio Palembang :) 
yap, baru bisa foto keluarga lagi pas lebaran soalnya kita ga akan kumpul dan pulang ke palembang kalo ga lebaran. And yes, we love to wear batik :) 

Sekalian ini foto untuk kakak gw yang terakhir, belon sempet juga foto wisuda -_-

ga ada yang mirip? yes, all of people says like that 

Left to right : Ardhani Reswari Sagita (my last sister from unikom bandung, she works at bandung now), Pratiwi Amie Pisesha (she's the older one, and also from IPB, department of agriculture), yes it's me, Julia Astuti (nama lahirnya pake J, di akte jadi Y) my beloved papa Adril Djamalus (this is the reason why i add "Djamalus" for my last name, semua kk gw 3 kata namanya, lah gw cuman dua -_- jadi pake family name dari Opa (papanya papa), Djamalus Thaib), and the last, my beloooved moom, ibu Suparmi :D nyonya besar (hehe)

it's my family, and i love them soo much. oh i cant describe how much i miss the moment together with them :') setaun sekali cuman bisa ketemu. 
i love you sist, mom, dad :')

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